30 Mart 2014 Pazar

Division Essay-First Draft


Thesis: Children’s personal developing is affected by some influences: parents, television, peers and teachers.

1.0: Parents can guide their children’s life in a good way or in a bad way.

1.1: Everything is learnt by parents.

1.2: Parents are example for their children.

2.0: Children emulate what they see.

2.1: They will be interested in what they listen and watch in a day.

2.2: They want to live like them.

3.0: Children usually behave like their peers.

3.1: They think that acting like their friends is important.

3.2: They want to possess what other children have.

            4.0:  Teachers’ behaviors are model for their students.

                        3.1:  Teachers learn something them, so they are venerable for children.

                        3.2: Children achieve some features in classes.








              What Affects Children’s Personal Developing?

What people lived during their childhood is important for each people’s whole life.  Childhood is so fundamental that it determines what people do, say, like and how they feel. Because people’s personalities are determined in this term, knowing what they are affected should be known. Children’s personal developing is affected by some influences: parents, television, peers and teachers.

First influence is parents because children know them until they are born and admire. So, parents can guide their children’s life in a good way or in a bad way. Since education is started at home by parents, children learn everything how their parents want. Therefore, every children’s thought would be different each other in their future life. Because they are protected and thrived by their parents, they think that their parents are hero. So, they want to do, think, feel what their heroes do, think and feel. For example, they think that smoking can be a good thing if they smoke cigarette. If they say a bad expression, they can say the same expression.

Second influence is television because parents don’t lots of time with their children and let them watch television. So, they emulate people they watch on TV, how people response, what they say and how they behave. Programs, film, soap opera, songs or cartoons are lead to their interest and they can want to watch them in their future. If a child watch lots of films that include bad expressions, kidnappings, smugglers, this child can be think that these are not so bad things. So, they can also want to live what they see and hear.

Another influence is peers because children don’t want to be different from others. They don’t like the other children who are don’t behave and make sentences like them. Therefore, a child must be started to behave, make sentences like others and all children do when a child start to do something. Children want to possess whatever the other children have and important thing is other children have to buy them, not their wanting. Their goals can be same their peers. If a child want to buy a toy car, the possibility of the others wanting buy a toy car ids high. So, they can want to purchase a real car.

Fourth influence is teachers because teachers teach something. So, they are venerable and their behaviors are right for children. Teachers are not only model for them but also leader. Children sometimes see their teachers most often than their mothers and fathers and usually tell their secrets. Therefore, their behaviors towards them teach something about life. Moreover, children can’t achieve some features if they can’t achieve in class. These features some of which are self-confidence and explaining themselves would be important for their job or task and lack of these features can be lead some problems.

To sum up, children so delicate that they can be affected by trivial things and these things can change their lives. People’s characters are determined in childhood term and it is determined by lot of influences. Therefore, people are different each other.

3 yorum:

  1. * parents don’t (?) lots of time with their children == there is something missing.
    ** children (?) so delicate that they can be affected by trivial things == there is something missing.

  2. * I think it is more accurate to use 'development' instead of using 'personal developing' in your title.
    * Each people's whole life (There is a singular-plural mistake.)
    * They don’t like the other children who are don’t behave and make sentences like them. ( Revişe this sentence, there is a mistake related to verb.)

  3. 1-) it determines what people do, say, like (punctuation) and how they feel. (paragraph 1, line 3)
    2-) knowing what they are affected (preposition)should be known (paragraph 1, line 5)
    3-) First influence is (article) parents because children know them until they are born and admire. (?)
